Impaired Driving
DUI Lawyer in Winnipeg
Those flashing lights in the rear view mirror are never a good sign. If you have had a few too many drinks or are intoxicated on drugs, being pulled over can come with some serious consequences. Impaired driving is always illegal. Here is everything you need to know about a DUI offence and what it could mean for you and how defence is possible with a criminal defence lawyer (Winnipeg DUI Lawyer).
What is a DUI?
In criminal law a DUI offence is the popular shorthand version of saying that you were caught using a vehicle while intoxicated. You may be accused of drunk driving or other impaired driving offences. No matter what term is used to describe your crime, the meaning is the same. You were caught behind some sort of motor vehicle while under the impairment of either drugs, alcohol, or both.
Many people believe that using a car while intoxicated is the only way that they can be charged with a DUI offence. Unfortunately, they are misinformed and often put themselves in dangerous situations by operating other types of motor vehicles, like motorcycles, boats, snowmobiles, aircraft, or even trains.
How Can You Be Charged?
How is it possible for safety officials to know that you are impaired driving? Many people are left wondering just how you can be convicted. Officials can make the call when they reasonably believe that you are impaired by substances. They may argue that based on how you controlled your vehicle, smell, or other “indicia of impairment”.
Impaired driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, many people have a hard time abiding by the rules of the road. They may swerve or drive recklessly. They may have a difficult time following the speed limit by driving either way too fast or much too slowly to compensate for their impairment.
Once a police officer pulls your vehicle over, they may believe that you where impaired driving if you have certain traits. For example, you may not be able to walk in a straight line or perform other simple tasks. Bloodshot eyes or slurred speech are also common indicators of drug and alcohol exposure. They can even use the smell of alcohol on your breath as a reasonable standard to judge. Sobriety tests can help confirm whether you where indeed impaired driving and determine what your blood alcohol concentration is.
Defence is Possible
DUI charges can have very severe consequences. In Canada’s criminal justice system these impaired driving charges include minimum fines, minimum driving prohibition, and mandatory criminal record entry. If you are in this situation, consult legal advice before you plead guilty and are charged with impaired driving. A competent criminal lawyer will give you reliable legal advice, evaluate your case, and help you determine your best defence. Even if the evidence seems stacked against you and you scored higher than the legal limit on a breathalyzer test, there are still defences that may be available to keep you from criminal charges. The tests are fallible, as are the police officers who administer them. Before pleading guilty, a DUI lawyer of Brodsky Amy & Gould in Winnipeg Manitoba, would be happy to review your case and help you come up with a solid strategy.
Zach Kinahan
(204) 940-4436
363 Broadway Suite 1212
Winnipeg, Mb R3C 3N9